…Which, of course, would be one of the highest grossing movies of the year, with great young actors, gorgeous settings and a splendid soundtrack... Well, in the meantime, I’ve been whipping up some promotional posters. And no, none of those photos are actually mine. I used mostly movie screenshots and stock photography, though. But all the editing and photo manipulations are done by me.
Tadaa! The first part, the Island in the Mist! It's hard to see, but in the middle is a small blue shot of The Mists of Avalon - the lady in the boat. The boy with the gun is from the Dutch movie Oorlogswinter.
Part two of the series; The White Prophet. I don't know why I made this title in Dutch. The boy in the middle wasn't actually wearing the pebble-spiral-necklace, so I created one from a pebble, a cord and a spiral xD The man (Wolf) is Mordred from The Mists of Avalon, the girl (Nimue) is Ree from Winter's Bone.
And old book trailer I made prior to last year's Nanowrimo. It's not very good, but what can I say? I like to dabble in semi-creative things ;)
Lastly, if it were a TV series...oh boy! In the style of very old skool tv intros. The music is a cropped version of the theme music from the lovely series Camelot. It was short lived, because it got cancelled in favor of Game of Thrones, or that's what I heard. A shame. Anyway!
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